
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sciatica Nerve Pain: Home Remedies and How Your Chiropractor Can Help

Sciatica nerve pain is condition that causes pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation that affects the buttocks and travels down the back of the leg. It often occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated due to inflammation or as a complication from a spine condition (i.e. herniated discs).

More often than not, medical doctors often prescribe a variety of anti-inflammatory medication and painkillers to combat sciatica nerve pain. In more severe cases, corticosteroid injections or even surgery may be recommended. If you do not feel comfortable with such options, there are more natural alternatives available. One of the best treatment options you can choose is chiropractic care.

A chiropractor in Beaverton, OR is more than capable of treating sciatica nerve pain through regular chiropractic adjustments. These adjustments realign the spine, encouraging faster natural healing, which helps minimize inflammation and other causes of sciatica nerve pain. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2uo5FnN

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Beaverton Chiropractic Clinic Lists 5 Great Tips for Spine Protection

Millions of people suffer from back pain. Beyond the discomfort associated with it, this kind of pain diminishes quality of life—that’s why many chronic back pain sufferers often find themselves missing out on activities that they enjoy. Some are even unable to accomplish very simple, everyday routines.

Your spine is an important part of your body, so you need to invest in ways to keep it healthy. Here are five easy-to-do tips recommended by your Beaverton chiropractic clinic to keep your spine the healthiest it can be.


When it comes to maintaining your spine, few exercises come close to the benefits attained by walking. That’s because walking strengthens bone structure and enhances flexibility, which can help prevent back pain, even alleviate it if it already exists. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2tP41ie